Thursday, January 31, 2013


Well with a long labor from 0945-1700 with no change in my cervix...we needed to do a c-section. The Lord knows best and He got us through it. After about 5 minutes, Donovan and me were parents to a beautiful baby girl! McKenna Rose Burich.
She was:
6 lb 8 oz
19.5 inches
10 fingers and 10 toes
Wednesday January 30, 2013
At 1832...Donovan and me guessed just before we went into surgery what time she would be here...momma knows best cause I guessed 1832.
No one was allowed to come and visit after the surgery so after a quick peek grandma and grandpa Tegel and Uncle Zack got to briefly see her.
Just a few hours old and I already notice a change. What a wonderful gift from God and how blessed we are to start this wonderful journey...

More pictures to follow!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Started having contractions around 0700 but then they went away..picked back up again at 0900.

Zero Dark Thirty

Not the movie..but a zero dark 0530. Time to have this baby! Hooked up to we wait...

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Red Sky at Night...

...Babies delight! Looks like the sky says it will be a good day to have a baby!
Our last meal...sane meal at least..olive garden.

Gel Day #2

1-29-2013. Had my second prostin gel dose today. Had softened up a little bit but other than that nothing new from yesterday. Didn't have any contractions today from the gel.

Pictures: 39 weeks and baby care basket.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Gel Day #1

1-28-2013. Went in for prostin gel to help soft for the induction on Wednesday. Made some progress from my appointment last Tuesday...I am now 3 cm dilated, 50% effaced, and at -2 station.
The gel made me have some minor contractions every 2.5 minutes...but nothing more. Tomorrow is round 2!!

Pictures: dad being inpatient and got to be in an actual delivery room this time. 39 weeks.

Sunday, January 27, 2013